Mon 02/17 Zoom
Lines to Shape & Space | Movement/Rhythm
Last week we critiqued Project 2; were introduced to the Self-evaluation, and saw how grades are presented on Brightspace.
This week we will critique Project 3: Photography, Repetition and Grid and will be introduced to Movement through Project 4 | Directional Dominance.
Homework Due for Class 4
Project 3 | Photography, Repetition & the Grid Finalized
After reading Design Basics: Line pps 128 [Introduction] to 139 [end of Creating Variety & Emphasis post on Brightspace Discussion Board topic: "3. Reading Response | Line" visual examples (Magazines or Internet) of:
1. Actual Lines
2. Implied Lines
3. Psychic Lines
4. Contour Drawing
5. Gesture Drawing
6. Angry Lines
7. Calm Lines
8. Stable Lines
9. Happy Lines
A. Dark Line Technique
B. Explicit Line
C. Lost-and-Found Contour
D. Inherent Line
Choose ten (10) terms from the list below. On your sketchbook or notebook handwrite the definitions for the terms chosen. Once you are done, take a picture of the vocab words and upload them to BrightSpace:
Line, Shape, Space, Actual Lines, Implied Lines, Psychic Lines, Curvilinear, Rectilinear, Geometric, Organic/Biomorphic, Complex Shape, Positive Space, Negative Space, Figure, Ground, Background, Concave Shapes, Convex Shapes, Emphasis, Focal Point, Visual Flow, Concept, Critique.
You can find some of the definitions under the link Resources/Vocabulary Words.
Sketchbook | HB Mechanical Pencil | Eraser | Ruler | PITT Pen (Black)
In Class
Vocabulary Words 2
Read, Research & Post to Brightspace 4 | Design Basics: Line
Movement presentation.
Homework for Class 5
Finalize Project 4 | Directional Dominance and post your finalized work and self-critique to Brightspace | Project 4.
After reading Design Basics: Rhythm chapter, and researching what Movement in design is, search the Internet for an artwork that clearly has a strong sense of Movement.
Post the image here and write how rhythm and movement in the artwork were accomplished.
Here are some possibilities:
. Changes in direction.
. Changes in darkness or lightness.
. Similar shapes connected with each other.
. Overlapping elements.
. Repetition of elements.
9" x 12" Drawing Paper | 14” x 17” Bristol Board | Sketchbook | HB Mechanical Pencil | Eraser | Ruler | PITT Pen (Black) | Rubber Cement | Viewfinder | 2D Found Textures
Get 2D found materials like fabric, aluminum foil, different kinds of papers, non-perishable organic materials like leaves, etc. Start collecting yogurt and pill containers for painting projects!