Course Information
Art 112
Course Number
Spring 2025
D001 #45721
Course Reference
2D Design Online Synchronous
Course Name + Mode
Zoom BrightSpace + Course Site
Locations | Synchronous Online
Mondays 9:00 am to 12:50 pm
Meeting Date + Time
Course Description
This introductory course provides a foundation in the fundamental elements and principles of 2D design. Students create projects that explore line,shape, space, value, texture, and color; projects emphasize developing fluency in the handling of media and an increased awareness of craftsmanship. Students also practice basic skills to digitally document their projects. Lectures and critiques cultivate verbal communication skills to foster a facility with the language of art and design. 4 hrs.
Learning Outcomes
Objectives + Measures
Upon successful completion, the student will be able to:
Create designs that demonstrate craftsmanship in a range of design media. All Exercises and Projects.
Use a variety of mark-making/painting techniques. Projects 2 to 6, Final Project.
Demonstrate the ability to use and differentiate between the elements of design within weekly assignments: line, shape, space, texture, value, and color. All Exercises and Projects, Class Critiques, Reading and Research Blackboard Posts
Utilize the principles of design to create compositions that: are unified; activate the entire picture plane including all negative space; establish a focal point. All Exercises and Projects.
Demonstrate understanding and ability to apply basic concepts of color theory. Exercise 4, Project 8.
Identify and describe elements and principles of design in selected designs.Weekly class critiques, Reading & Research Blackboard posts & E-portfolio self-critiques, Final Project Written Statement.
Identify design strategies that are used to communicate a predetermined meaning or emotion.Weekly class critiques, Reading & Research Blackboard posts, E-portfolio self-critiques, especially Projects 4 to 6, Final Project.
Capture digital documentation of design projects through scanning and digital photographs. All Exercises and Projects.
Upload digital images of weekly projects to Blackboard.All Exercises and Projects.
See SLOs 1 and 2