Services Available Remotely for Students
Academic, Career and Transfer Counseling for New and Current Students
Center for Academic Counseling and Student Success:
https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/counseling/ to schedule a tele-appointment
Admissions Information, Admissions Counseling for Prospective applicants and 24 Credit GED Program
Admissions https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/admissions-information/
Call 914-606-6735 or mail: admissions@sunywcc.edu
General Information, Tele- Counseling, Processing Loans, Document Verification and questions about TAP, APTS, scholarships and NYS Programs
Office of Student Financial Assistance: Visit https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/finaid/
Email: FinAid@sunywcc.edu or Call: 914-606-6773
General Information, transcripts, Enrollment Verification, FERPA and Registration Functions
Registrar Visit https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/registering-for-classes/
Call 914-606-6810 or Email: Registrar@sunywcc.edu
General Information, Tele-Counseling Appointments, Accommodations and Assistive Technology Office of Disabilities Services Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/disability-services/
Email: Disability.Services@sunywcc.edu or Call 914-606-6287
General Information, Tele-Counseling Appointments and Applications International Student Services
Visits: https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/international-transfers/
Call (914) 606-5660 or email Anne.Verini@sunywcc.edu
Tele-Appointments, General Information, Work-Study Contracts and Work Study Interviews
Federal Work-Study https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/finaid/federal-work-study/
Email FEDWORKStudy@sunywcc.edu or Call 914-606-6615 or visit:
Services Available Remotely for Students During a Level 3/4 Closure
Mental Health Tele-counseling
Personal Counseling
Email personalcounseling@sunywcc.edu or
visit https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/counseling/personal-counseling/ to schedule an appointment
Immunization Compliance for Enrollment
Health Services
Certification of GI Bill
Student Support Services
Email veterans@sunywcc.edu
Case Management of Students with Resource Insecurity
Student Support Services
Email StudentSupportServices@sunywcc.edu or
complete an intake form at https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/bac/bac-intake-form/
New Student Orientation
Student Involvement
Email getinvolved@sunywcc.edu or visit www.sunywcc.edu/orientation for the latest information
Tier 1 Student Organization Support
Student Involvement
Email getinvolved@sunywcc.edu
Student Conduct
(Reporting, Investigation, Adjudication & Appeals) Associate Dean of Student Life
Email studentlifedean@sunywcc.edu or complete an incident report at www.sunywcc.edu/incidentreport
Title IX
(Reporting, Accommodations, Support & Investigation)
Associate Dean of Student Life
Email studentlifedean@sunywcc.edu or
complete an incident report at www.sunywcc.edu/incidentreport
Students of Concern Case Management
(CARE Team)
Associate Dean of Student Life
Email studentlifedean@sunywcc.edu or
complete an incident report at www.sunywcc.edu/incidentreport