Mon 02/03 Zoom
Shape & Space | Balance

Last week we were introduced to the Course Outline and site. We worked in groups to explore Creativity. You were also introduced to the Components of Art and worked with the Elements of Design Shape and Space and the Principle of Organization Balance.

This week you will be formally introduced to how to critique, continue to explore the Degrees of Representation by focusing on the Element of Design Line and the Principle of Organization Movement to work on Project 2.

Homework Due for Class 2

Go through the course Course Outline carefully to make sure you understand what this course is about, what is expected of you, and how you can succeed in the course. Get acquaint with the course site and Brightspace. Please take a moment to complete your bio in Brightspace. Don't forget to add your picture!

Purchase materials!

In Brightspace course site, go to Course Activities/Discussions and choose 1. Introduce yourself

In Brightspace course site, go to Course Activities/Discussions and choose 2. Element of Design Shape & Space | Design Basics: Shape & Space pps 162 [Nonobjective Shapes] to 173 [end of Positive/Negative Shapes]
After reading Design Basics: Shape | Space complete the sentences below based on the text you read and share visual examples to represent the terms below:
1. "Our visual perception is dependent on our ability to ______________________________"
2. The general rule of perception states that (all things being equal) our eye tend to read ______________ shapes as ____________ and _____________ shapes as ______________."
3. Share visual examples of the affirmations in #2.
4. Share a visual example of Exaggerated Shape or Distortion.
5. Share a visual example of Distortion and Expression.
6. Share a visual example of Idealism in Art.
7. Complete the sentence: "Abstraction implies a simplification of _____________________________."
8. Share an example of Biomorphic (Organic) Shapes.
9. What is Pure Form?
10. Share a visual example of Curvilinear Shapes.
11. Share a visual example of Rectilinear Shapes. 12. What are negative shapes?
13. What are positive shapes?
14. Share a visual example of Isolation of shapes.
15. Share a visual example of Integration of shapes.
16. Share a visual example of Emphasis on Integration of shapes.
17. Share a visual example of Ambiguity.

Upload Project 1 | B&W Shape Composition a good photo of the three versions of the project to Brightspace under Projects (Assignments in the menu bar). Select Project 1 | B&W Shape Composition, then upload the files and write the self-critique. Make sure the three versions are finalized and each mounted on Bristol board. Do not fold, bend or wrinkle the work.

Cardboard | Magazines | 9" x 12" Drawing Paper | 14” x 17” Bristol Board | PITT Pen Set (Black) Graphite Pencil in Different Blackness | Eraser | Ruler | Xacto Knife | Cutting Mat | Scissors | Rubber Cement.

In Class


ZOOM Netiquette

Brightspace Post 1 | Intro

Brightspace Post 2 | Design Basics: Shape & Space

Watch the video on Critique

Read Success Strategies in Art & Design - Unit 4 | Critiques: Giving and Getting Input and Intelligent Seeing

In groups, discuss the two readings and using the Project's rubric formally critique each others Project 1. Be prepared to discuss the critiques.

Project 1 | B&W Shapes Composition Class Critique.

Work on Project 2 | Dynamic Compositions Project 2 | Dynamic Compositions.

Project 3 | Photography, Repetition & the Grid Step 1 to 3 intro.

Homework for Class 3

Project 2 | Dynamic Compositions Finalized.
Due uploaded to Brightspace in the beginning of Class 3.

Design Basics: Unity

After reading Design Basics: Unity and going through the Principles of Organization: Unity presentation complete the sentences, answer the questions and/or find visual examples as requested below.

A. Complete the sentences below as they appear in the book.

"Unity means that a congruity or agreement exists among the elements in a design; they look as though they ____________________ _____________________(1 & 2), as though some visual connection beyond mere chance has caused them to come together. Another term for the same idea is ___________________(3). If the various elements are not harmonious, if they appear _____________________(4) or ____________________ (5), your composition falls apart and lacks unity."

"Since early in the twentieth century, psychologists have done a great deal of research on _________________________ (6) perception, attempting to discover just how the eye and brain function together. [ . . . ] The most widely known of these perception studies is called the _____________________ (7) theory of visual psychology."

B. For each one of the following visual concepts you need to post a strong visual example of a composition:
(There are eight visual concepts so you need eight different visual examples.)

8. Strong Unity.
9. Continuity
10. Repetition
11. Alignment
12. Proximity
13. Effective use of a Grid System
14. Repetition with emphasis on Unity
15. Repetition with emphasis on Variety
16. Chaos
17. Strong Focal Point respecting the Rule of Thirds
18. Strong Visual Flow

Choose ten (10) terms from the list below. On your sketchbook or notebook handwrite the definitions for the terms chosen. Once you are done take a picture of the vocab words and upload them to BrightSpace:
Composition, Creative Brainstorming, Craftsmanship, Subject Matter, Content, Form, Context, Representational, Naturalism, Abstraction, Non-representational/Objective, Unity, Rule of Thirds, Contrast, Alignment, Repetition, Proximity, Harmony, Balance, Symmetry, Asymmetrical Balance.
You can find some of the definitions under the link Resources/Vocabulary Words.

Have Project 3 | Photography, Repetition & the Grid Steps 1 to 3 to work class. Do not fold, bend or wrinkle the work.
Printed Photographs or High-gloss Magazine Cut-outs | 14” x 17” Bristol Board | HB Mechanical Pencil | Vinyl Eraser | Ruler | Xacto Knife | Cutting Mat | Scissors | Glue Stick | Rubber Cement.