Unless otherwise noted, all assignments are to be finished and ready at the beginning of each class.
Assignments are not accepted late!
In the case of an absence, email me the link for your e-portfolio with the projects and exercises due that day before the end of the missed class meeting time. The physical project/exercise along with your sketchbook must be handed in by the beginning of the next class.
Values of the Graded Assignments:

Projects & Exercises | Brightspace | Vocabulary Words | Reading and Research Posts on Brightspace | Final Assessment
Projects & Exercises 70 points
Each project is designed to implement the tools and techniques you have learned in class. Projects will be assigned each class and are due the following class unless otherwise instructed. Projects will be evaluated according to their individual grading criteria.
You are required to photograph and upload an image of your project and corresponding writing critique to Brightspace as a post in addition to presenting your work in class.
These are both due the same day that your project is due!
You will be assigned a written critique of the project you completed. You will refer to the provided guidelines and your textbook to incorporate design vocabulary learned for the specific project.
Label each writing with the project number and name. It is recommended that you first complete this in Microsoft Word and then paste it into your blog, this way you avoid any accidents from occurring! Computers have a funny way of freezing or crashing at the wrong times.
All writing must utilize correct spelling and grammar.
4 points |
4 points |
5 points |
5 points |
Project 5: Texture | Midterm Project |
10 points |
6 points |
8 points |
10 points |
7 points |
Exercise 1: Elements of Design | Group collaboration |
2 points |
3 points |
6 points |
Reading and Research Posts on Blackboard 10 points
Reading and research complement your learning and are necessary to help you understand the content visually and intellectually. There are ten posts and each is worth one (1) point
Vocabulary Words 5 points
In this course you will be exposed to very specific words used to describe form and art in general. In order to help you retain the words and their meanings you will be required to maintain a hand-written notebook or sketchbook with the assigned vocabulary words.
Each set of vocabulary words is worth one (1) point. See List of Assigned Words
Final Assessment 15 points
Your final assessment is a combination of a Final Project and Final Written Statement | Project 10.
Final Project (10 points)
Your final project will utilize all of the techniques you learned in class. We will explore how to use these techniques and apply them to an initial concept. The final project will be critiqued during our scheduled final assessment period.
Final Written Statement (5 points)
You will also complete a written artist statement in support of your final project using design vocabulary. The artist statement is a detailed essay describing the design elements, techniques, composition, and concepts utilized within your final project.
Grading Criteria:
Craftsmanship (up to 2 pts)
Composition (up to 2 pts)
Principles of Organization (up to 2 pts)
Color Theory (up to 2 pts)
Form & Content (up to 2 pts)
Upload Project to Brightspace (up to 1 pt)
Written Statement posted on E-portfolio (up to 2 pts)
. Vocabulary (up to 1 pt)
. Analysis (up to 1 pt)
Exchange Project during Final Assessment class (up to 1 pt)
Read Final Project Statement during Final Assessment class (up to1 pt)
Projects & Exercises | Brightspace | Vocabulary Words | Reading and Research Posts on Brightspace | Final Assessment