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Texture | Design Process

This week you present the Midterm Project 5: Texture. Once you present the midterm you will evaluate how it can be improved or edited as Project 6: Texture | Version 2 to explore different design processes while conveying content through form.

We will also do the Midterm Self-Evaluation individual reviews.

Homework Due for Class 7

After reading Design Basics: Texture find visual examples for the terms below and place them in a post with their corresponding names.
Sense of Touch
Tactile Texture
Implied Texture
Collage Made with Found Objects
Trompe L'Oeil

9" x 12" Drawing Paper | 14” x 17” Bristol Board | Sketchbook | HB Mechanical Pencil | Eraser | Ruler | PITT Pen (Black) | Rubber Cement
Make sure you also have all the supplies needed to work on Project 5 in class.

In Class

Attendance & Critique

Project 5 | Texture Critique.

Project 5 | Texture update

Individual midterm self-evaluation reviews

Midterm Presentations and Self-critique reading

Project 6 | Texture | Version 2 Improve your Texture Midterm project as discussed in class. Your goal is to improve the Texture project based on our class discussion through creative solutions that involve minimum editing solutions.

Homework for Class 8

Project 6 | Texture | Version 2: Improve your Texture Midterm project as discussed in class. Your goal is to improve the Texture project based on our class discussion through creative solutions that involve minimum editing solutions. Due at the beginning of Class 8.

Choose ten (10) terms from the list below. On your sketchbook or notebook handwrite the definitions for the terms chosen. Once you are done, take a picture of the vocab words and upload them to BrightSpace:
Value, Texture, Volume, Plane, Line Quality, Directional Lines, Converging Lines, Hatching, Cross-hatching, Stippling, Blending, Scribbling, Compressed Space, Expanded Space, Continuation, Direction, Hierarchy, Directional Dominance, Directional Conflict. Hand write on your sketchbook!!!!
You can find some of the definitions under the link Resources/Vocabulary Words.

After going through the presentation on Value and reading Design Basics: Value find visual examples for the terms below and post them to Brightspace post 7. Design Basics Value. Due at the beginning of Class 9.
Representational Illusion of Light
Non-representational Illusion of Light
Value Pattern
Low Key
High Key
Atmospheric Perspective
Physical Space
Psychological Space

White Acrylic Paint | Black Acrylic Paint | All Paintbrushes | Scissors | Mixing Palette | Container for Water | Drawing Paper | Bristol Board | Ruler | Pencils | Xacto Knife | Rubber Cement.

Reminder: No Class on March 17 | Spring Break March 17 to 23