Degrees of Representation | T 9/18 | F 9/19

Last week we continued to explore the Design Process & Chance by implementing Project 1: Practice 2 and being introduced to the Components of Art. At home for this week you were asked to look into Critique and start working on Project 2: Assignment 1 thumbnails. This week we are going to be introduced to Degrees of Representation and work on Project 2: Assignment 1.

Due for this Class

Do you know how to:

. Scan Images and save them in the proper directory?
. Photograph Artwork and transfer the digital file to a computer directory?
. Use Photoshop to Crop, Resize, Resample, Edit an image file?
. Create and implement a Wordpress site?

If you do, you can earn Extra Credit by posting Tutorials and/or Developing Tutorials to share with your colleagues next classes.
You can even lead the Tutorial in class!

Go to Blackboard and under "Tutorial Extra Credit" put in numeric order the topics you feel VERY confident about it.
In the meantime, start writing or choose online videos that you will use to present to the students.

. Success Strategies in Art & Design - Unit 4 | Critiques: Giving and Getting Input

. Intelligent Seeing

. Critique Worksheet

After reading "Critiques: Giving and Getting Input", "Intelligent Seeing" [pages 25-26], watching the video on Critique and going through the Critique Worksheet go to Blackboard/Discussion Board. Under the "Critique Response" answer the Critique Worksheet for a chosen artist, one chosen artwork.

1. Piet Mondrian (after 1912)
2. Mark Rothko (Classic Paintings & Late Works)
3. Josef Albers
4. Robert Motherwell (after 1949)
5. Franz Kline
6. Willem de Kooning (late 1940's early 1950′s)
7. Pablo Picasso (paintings 1909 and after)
8. Wassily Kandinsky (paintings 1912 and after)

Project 2 | Assignment 1 | Abstracting
Read the assignment and create the the thumbnails.

Don't worry about right or wrong. Just do your best based on what you understand! It will be fun to see how each of you interpret the assignment ;-)

On your sketchbook or notebook handwrite the definitions for the following words:
Subject Matter, Content, Form, Elements of Design, Degrees of Representation, Naturalism, Realism, Semi-abstraction, Abstraction, Representational, Non-representational, Nonobjective.
You can find some of the definitions under the link Resources.

In Class

Week 1 Vocabulary Words Handwritten:
Elements of Design, Subject Matter, Content, Form, Elements of Design, Degrees of Representation, Naturalism, Realism, Semi-abstraction, Abstraction, Representational, Non-representational, Nonobjective.

Blackboard Critique | Artists groups:
1. Piet Mondrian (after 1912)
2. Mark Rothko (Classic Paintings & Late Works)
3. Josef Albers
4. Robert Motherwell (after 1949)
5. Franz Kline
6. Willem de Kooning (late 1940's early 1950′s)
7. Pablo Picasso (paintings 1909 and after)
8. Wassily Kandinsky (paintings 1912 and after)

Project I | Assignment 1: Realistic to Abstract thumbnails critique


1. Based on the artist/artwork you chose to critique you will be assigned to one group.
2. Your group will have ten minutes to discuss and finalize a critique presentation about the artwork.
3. Present the group critique in class.

1. Piet Mondrian (after 1912)
2. Mark Rothko (Classic Paintings & Late Works)
3. Josef Albers
4. Robert Motherwell (after 1949)
5. Franz Kline
6. Willem de Kooning (late 1940's early 1950′s)
7. Pablo Picasso (paintings 1909 and after)
8. Wassily Kandinsky (paintings 1912 and after)

At Home

Principle of Organization: Balance
After researching what Balance in design is do the following:
1. Search the internet for an image with the type of Balance that you like most.
2. Post the image to Blackboard Discussion Board under the topic Research: Balance.
3. Write or record a very short explanation why you like that kind of Balance.

Design Basics: Line pps 128 [Introduction] to 137 [Contour & Gesture]

After reading Design Basics: Line pps 128 [Introduction] to 137 [Contour & Gesture] answer the following questions in Blackboard Discussion Board topic: "Week 3 Reading Response | Line"

1) What is a line?
2) What are the feelings and moods that lines can convey?
3) How lines can define shape & form?
4) What are implied and psychic lines?
5) What the line characteristic of direction is important?
6) What are the differences between lines in contour and gesture drawings?

1. Project 2 | Assignment 1 | Abstracting
Finalize one 6"x6" version

2. Exercise 1 | Intro to Lines

3. Project 2 | Assignment 2 | Lines
Read the assignment and work on the thumbnails

On your sketchbook or notebook handwrite the definitions for the following words:
Hand write on your sketch book!!!! Line Characteristics: Measure, Weight, Type, Direction, Orientation, Degrees of Continuity, Character, Balance, Symmetry, Approximate Symmetry, Radial Symmetry, Asymmetry, Rule of Thirds.
You can find some of the definitions under the link Resources.