Color | T 11/13 | F 11/14

This week we will continue working on Project 4 and with Color Harmonies and will also get deeper into Color Properties.

Due for this Class

14. Design Basics: Color pps 256 [Introduction] to 265 [end of Properties of Color]
Explain with your words what you understand Color Intensity is? Post a visual example that shows great color Intensity contrast.

What is Color?

Light & Color

Color Source

Finalize artwork for Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration | Part 3.
Start working with your group on developing Part 4 | PowerPoint presentation following the guidelines. Sample template.

Start developing Project 5 | Color Schemes
Parts 1, 2 & 3.

Finish Quiz 3.

Continue to scan and upload your work to Wordpress.

Handwrite the definition for the following vocabulary words related to color:
RGB, CMYK, Subtractive Colors, Additive Colors, Primary Colors, Secondary Colors, Tertiary Colors, Hue, Saturation, Value

In Class

Quiz 3.


Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration:
Part 3: Three Thumbnails and two finals.
Part 4: PowerPoint presentation following the guidelines. Sample template.

Project 5 | Color Schemes
Parts 1, 2 & 3.

Vocabulary Words:
RGB, CMYK, Subtractive Colors, Additive Colors, Primary Colors, Secondary Colors, Tertiary Colors, Hue, Saturation, Value.

Work on finalizing Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration: PowerPoint presentation to present next week.

Work on Project 5 | Color Schemes Parts 3, 4, 5 & 6 and prepare the final presentation of the artwork.

Wordpress: Scan and upload all your artwork:
. Assignments Thumbnails and Finals,
. Exercises

Go to 3rd Quarter Self-Assessment Check List and complete the third self-assessment.

At Home

15. Design Basics: Color pps 266 [Palettes] to 271 [end of Cool/Warm Colors]
Select five (5) terms in the reading that you think are important concepts related to Color. On Blackboard post the term name, it's definition and a visual example for each of these concepts.

Creating Depth with Shading and Color

Creating Value Using Color Pencils

Finalizing Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration: PowerPoint presentation to present next week.

Work on Project 5 | Color Schemes Parts 3, 4, 5 & 6 and prepare the final presentation of the artwork.

Wordpress: Scan and upload all your artwork:
. Assignments Thumbnails and Finals,
. Exercises

Go to 3rd Quarter Self-Assessment Check List and complete the third quarter self-assessment.

Handwrite the definition for the following vocabulary words related to color: Chroma, Tint, Shade, Achromatic, Monochromatic, Analogous colors, Complementary colors; Triadic colors, Split-complementary colors.