Color | T 11/06 | F 11/07

This week we continue to work with the Principles of Organization by developing the artwork for Project 4: Principles of Organization Collaboration. We will also look more closely at the Element of Design Color by being introduced to Color Harmonies.

Due for this Class

Continue to research and exchange with your group on Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration | Part 2

You can find more videos about Color on the course Video Resources page.

The Color Wheel

Basic Color Theory

Making a Color Wheel

Intro to Color Presentation
Color Wheel

Create the thumbnails for Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration | Part 3

Create Exercise 4 | Color Wheel

Continue to scan your artwork and upload to Wordpress.

In Class

Work on Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration | Part 3 finals

Scan and upload to Wordpress all your artwork:
. Assignments Thumbnails and Finals,
. Exercises

Answer the quiz questions.

At Home

Design Basics: Color pps 256 [Introduction] to 265 [end of Properties of Color]
Explain with your words what you understand Color Intensity is? Post a visual example that shows great color Intensity contrast.

What is Color?

Light & Color

Color Source

Finalize artwork for Project 4 | Principles of Organization Collaboration | Part 3.
Start working with your group on developing Part 4 | PowerPoint presentation following the guidelines. Sample template.

Start developing Project 5 | Color Schemes
Parts 1, 2 & 3.

Finish Quiz 3.

Continue to scan and upload your work to Wordpress.

Handwrite the definition for the following vocabulary words related to color:
RGB, CMYK, Subtractive Colors, Additive Colors, Primary Colors, Secondary Colors, Tertiary Colors, Hue, Saturation, Value