Texture & Midterm Self-Assessment | T 10/16 | F 10/17

This week we finalize Project 2 focusing on translatingValue into Texture. We will also do the Midterm Self-Assessment to find out the midterm grades. Students who are failing the class can withdraw from the course until November 3 without having their GPA affected by a poor grade.

Due for this Class

9. Design Basics: Value pps 244 to 253

After reading Design Basics: Value select an artwork from one of the artists below and write a short critique on how the design makes successful usage of Value.

Charles W. White
Ivan Albright
. Post a link to the artwork you have chosen.
. Can you also identify the dominant Principle of Organization?

Finalize Project 2 | Assignment 4 | Value
Two 6"x6" Finals Charcoal & Gray Pastels

Week 7 will be your last chance to hand in any part of Project 2 up to Assignment 4.

Set up or add your projects to Wordpress Project 7: Digital Portfolio

Scan all your artwork:
. Assignments: Thumbnails and Finals,
. Exercises

In a word processor create a ten (10) Questions Multiple Choice Answers Quiz containing the topics listed below.

You can't use the questions from Quiz 1.
Use Design Basics, Vocabulary Words and Course Presentations as foundation for your questions.
Bring two versions of the Quiz to class:
. One version you will hand in and should have the correct answers.
. The other version you will use to implement the Quiz to a colleague in class.

The topics are:

. Components of Art
. Degrees of Representation
. Elements of Design
. Line
. Shape & Space
. Balance
. Movement
. Variety

Mark all the work you have done up to the end of class on Week 7. Included in this assessment are: Project 1, Project 2 (including Assignment 4: Value two 6x6 finals), Project 7: Wordpress setup; Exercises 1 & 2; Blackboard Postings up to 9. Design Basics: Value; Vocabulary Words up to Value; Quizzes 1 & 2.
We will go through the self-assessment in class but you should come ready and knowing what you did or not do.
Remember that you are in charge of your grade!

Note: Any late work after Week 7 will be deducted from the three late work free pass. A fourth late work will not be accepted.

In Class

Catch-up so the work you are finalizing in class today can be taken into consideration for your Midterm Self-Assessment
Any work not delivered by the end of the class will be considered late.
After this week you will have to use your Late Passes (up to three) to have a late work considered for grading.

Work on:

Exercise 3 | Texture

Project 2 | Assignment 5 | Texture

Six 3"x3" Thumbnails
One 6"x6" Final

Scan all your artwork:

Assignments Thumbnails and Finals,

Midterm Self-Assessment Check List

At Home

Design Basics: Texture pps 180 [Creating Visual Interest] to 193 [end of Trompe L'Oeil]

After reading Design Basics: Texture find visual examples for the terms below and post them in Blackboard:
. Pattern
. Sense of Touch
. Tactile Texture
. Implied Texture
. Collage Made with Found Objects
. Trompe L'Oeil

Research 8 words that relate to Texture and write them with their definitions on your sketchbook.