Services for Students
Function (A-Z) Service(s) Offered Contact Information
Academic Counseling Meet with an academic counselor to create a course schedule for Summer or Fall 2020, to get support, or talk through academic challenges/issues. Center for Academic Counseling and Student Success.
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/counseling/ to schedule a tele-appointment
Call: 914-606-6572 or
Email: counseling@sunywcc.edu
Case Managed Support for Students Many students at WCC are provided case managed support. Faculty, please respond to surveys through Viking Success Network. A counselor or program navigator is on the side to intervene and assist students
Career Counseling
Meet with a career counselor to create goals and to explore career pathways Center for Academic Counseling and Student Success.
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/counseling/ to schedule a tele-appointment
Call: 914-606-6572 or
Email: counseling@sunywcc.edu
Disabilities (Students with) Obtain information on submitting IEPs and receiving accommodations
Office of Disabilities Services
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/disability-services/
Call: 914-606-6287 or
Email: Disability.Services@sunywcc.edu
Ebooks VitalSource helps support students who have lost access to course materials due to remote learning Visit:
Financing Education Help filling out FAFSA and TAP forms
Scholarship information Office of Student Financial Assistance
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/finaid/
Call: 914-606-6773 or
Email: FinAid@sunywcc.edu
Food, Housing, Health & Other Insecurities Obtain assistance through confidential online tele-conferencing for financial hardships, housing/resource insecurity Student Support Services
Email: StudentSupportServices@sunywcc.edu
Complete: Fill out an intake form at https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/bac/bac-intake-form/
Internet Access Companies are offering free internet access to students NETZERO - Free Dial-up to 10 hours a month call 1-800-638-9376
COMCAST - Offering free Xfinity WiFi (Apply via online form.) https://www.xfinity.com/student
CHARTER (SPECTRUM) – Free Wifi for students 60 days (Call to apply) 1-844-488-8395. Installation fees will be waived for new student households. https://corporate.charter.com/newsroom/charter-to-offer-free-access-to-s...
SPRINT and T-MOBILE - Offering unlimited data for 60 days (if already a customer with a limited data plan) Contact your provider for details.
OPTIMUM is offering Altice Advantage Internet free for 60 days, where available, to any household in our service area that has a student in K-12 and/or college. This special Optimum service is for students who are displaced due to school closures and who don’t have Internet access at home. After your first 60 free days of Internet service expires, those affected can either cancel the service or keep it as a regular paying Altice Advantage Internet customer at the low rate of only $14.99 per month, with no annual contract and free equipment. Call 866.200.9522 to sign up today, or visit AlticeAdvantageInternet.com to learn more.
Laptops Available for Loan Laptops are available for loan to students who do not have one and cannot afford to buy one Complete
Fill out an intake form at https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/bac/emergency-aid-program/emerg...
Mental Health Counseling and Support Continue regularly scheduled appointment with a Personal Counselor over video conferencing (tele-counseling)
Request new appointment with a Personal Counselor Personal Counseling Office
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/counseling/personal-counseling/
Email: personalcounseling@sunywcc.edu
Opportunities to Connect with Students Virtual activities and opportunities to connect with other students and staff Office of Student Involvement and Department of Athletics
Registration & Transcript Assistance Obtain general registration and FERPA information, request transcripts and enrollment verifications Office of the Registrar
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/admissions/registering-for-classes/
Call: 914-606-6810 or
Email: Registrar@sunywcc.edu
Student Conduct
Community members will still be able to file reports alleging violations to the Student Code of Conduct. All investigations, adjudications, and appeals will be moved to a virtual environment as well. Office of Student Life
Email studentlifedean@sunywcc.edu or complete an incident report at www.sunywcc.edu/incidentreport
Students of Concern Case Management
Community members will still be able to file reports of concerning student behavior. Follow up meetings, assessments, and meetings of the CARE Team will move to a virtual environment. Office of Student Life
Email studentlifedean@sunywcc.edu or complete an incident report at www.sunywcc.edu/incidentreport
Title IX
Community members will still be able to file reports of sexual misconduct/assault. Follow up meetings with reporting individuals to discuss available next steps and accommodations/resources/support will be available through confidential online tele-conferencing. All investigations will move to a virtual environment as well. Office of Student Life
Email studentlifedean@sunywcc.edu or complete an incident report at www.sunywcc.edu/incidentreport
Transfer Counseling Meet with a transfer counselor to create goals and to explore transfer pathways Center for Academic Counseling and Student Success.
Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/student-services/counseling/ to schedule a tele-appointment
Call: 914-606-6572 or
Email: counseling@sunywcc.edu
Function (A-Z) Service(s) Offered Contact Information
ASC General Obtain general information about the services offered at the ASC in library building such as subjects tutoring offered in, hours of operation, workshop offered and the location. Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/academics/asc/
Call: 914-606-6470
Email: asc-group@sunywcc.edu
ASK A TUTOR Email based tutoring available for all WCC students on various subjects such as MATH, ESL, Reading & Study Skills, Writing, Science, Economics, Physics, Computer Science and Psychology. Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/academics/asc/ask-a-tutor/
ASK A TUTOR - Computer Science For tutoring assistance specifically in Computer Science. Email: Askatutor-compsci@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 10 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Economics For tutoring assistance specifically in Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, & Personal Finance. Email: Askatutor- economics@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday 9 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - ESL For tutoring assistance specifically in ESL. Email: Askatutor-esl@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Math For tutoring assistance All Math courses. Email: Askatutor-math@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Physics For tutoring assistance in Physics. Email: Askatutor-physics@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Psychology For tutoring assistance in General, Abnormal, & Social Psychology. Email: Askatutor-psychology@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday & Wednesday 10 am to 12 pm, Tuesday & Thursday 10 am to 1 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Reading and Study Skills For tutoring assistance in Reading and Study Skills. Email: Askatutor-read@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Science For tutoring assistance in Science including Organic, Inorganic Chemistry, Biology, Anatomy, Earth Science, Physical Science. Email: Askatutor-sci@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm
ASK A TUTOR - Writing For tutoring assistance in Writing in all disciplines. Email: Askatutor-wri@sunywcc.edu
Hours: Monday – Friday 9 am to 5 pm
NetTutor Obtain online assistance on various courses offered by WCC and supported by ASC around the ASC hours of operation. Visit: https://www.sunywcc.edu/academics/asc/nettutor-online-tutoring/
Courses Supported by NetTutor: https://www.sunywcc.edu/academics/asc/nettutor-courses/
NetTutor Hours:
Monday – Thursday:
12:00 A.M. – 6:00 A.M.
6:00 P.M. – 11:59 P.M.
Friday - Sunday:
12:00 A.M. – 11:59 P.M.