Color Schemes

Self-Critique Questions

In a Word Processor (MS Word, Google Docs, etc...) answer the questions below:
What color did you use for your monochromatic color scheme?
How does your monochromatic painting utilize value as a compositional tool?
What colors did you use for your analogous color scheme?
How does your analogous painting utilize color as a compositional tool?
What colors did you use for your complementary color scheme?
How does your complementary painting utilize simultaneous contrast and mixing complements as a compositional tool?
What are the successful AND unsuccessful aspects of your design? Remember that we learn just as much from our failures than from our achievements!

Artwork Documentation

Document the final project (scan or photograph the artwork) at 300ppi and upload it to the corresponding Brightspace entry.

Writing Assignment

Back to the Word Processor write a paragraph about your artwork based on your the answers to the self-critique questions above. Do not include the actual questions. Use correct grammar and spelling. Refer to the assigned readings, presentations and vocabulary words to help you with proper use of the vocabulary. (150 word minimum.)

As a writing technique, I suggest you answer each question in full. Once you are done, read the answers aloud. Then create connections between the answers to create one full paragraph.

E-Portfolio Notes

I recommend that you type this as a word document and save it before pasting it into the corresponding Brightspace entry.

Add your writing assignment to the corresponding Blackboard Journal on the same page as the image of your project.

Label both the image and the below writing assignment with the project number and title:
Project 8: Color Schemes.

Both the image & the writing assignment should be uploaded to the corresponding Brightspace entry BEFORE the due class!

Take note of when the classroom is open and available for you to use the computers and/or scanners.